Onto the paper chase!

Thank you. David and I have been overwhelmed by your generous support.  Thank you for being here for us through your prayers, your presence, and your wallet.  We have raised just under $3,000 so far from friends, family, even my wonderful students. We appreciate every donation and have a new goal for raising a total of $5,000 by Thanksgiving.  Now that the homestudy is almost complete, we will begin applying for grants.

Over the past four months I have realized  that adoption is no easy accomplishment.  I always thought having children would be easy… nay, fun!  This is an ordeal that has tested our patience, sanity, and relationship.  I feel like the process of adoption is a tour of our country’s bureaucracy.  We have been working with a fantastic agency to finish our homestudy, which is finally in the last stages of competition.  We have been through cultural training; have met with social workers about every imaginable personal piece of our life; we have collected paperwork from our friends, mentors, doctors, employers, banks and more.  Each step seemed simple until it became a Hydra, taking frustrating weeks to destroy.

While we are waiting to match with our future children, we are in a stage called the “paper chase”.  It is the period of time in which we track down paperwork for the US government and the Ugandan government in order take children out of Uganda and into the US.  It is suppose to be one of the most difficult times of the adoption process because we are navigating not only the US bureaucracy, but also the Ugandan bureaucracy. Right now, we are just so excited to move onto the next stage of adoption.  Please send us your thoughts and prayers to help us though the process.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

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